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SINGLE Bony Macaroni - Atlas Fugged

The politics of Bony Macaroni

Bony Macaroni are making self-loathing cool again.

At least, they hope so. Because, after previous failed attempts at life in general, these dudes want to give a fuck again.

New single Atlas Fugged is the first new track after the release of their debut EP, and it is a highly contagious anthemlike emo/punk rock track with provocative lyrics:

"this song is about the fact that politics are inescapable. I would like for it to not be a thing at all, to not get in the way of relationships I have with some people, but it f*cking should. Over the years, I have realised I ought a get into nasty arguments with family and friends. my privileged @ss may never be a victim as a result of bad ideas, sh!tty policies, and insufferable politicians, but lots of people are. So yeah, punch your local nazi and enjoy this poppy political take by your dudes of Bony Macaroni. here’s to many more (most likely)."

The first four singles - featured on their moderately heart-wrenching and catchy debut EP - immediately landed on a multitude of Spotify Playlists with several tens of thousands of followers like New Punk Tracks, Punk Unleashed and Rocking Indie by PopFiltr a.o., got airplay in The Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Australia, and brought the band critically acclaimed international press.

For fans of: Modern Baseball, Sorority Noise, Foxing, Pinegrove, Free Throw, The Wonder Years Atlas Fugged is released on BERT music (a division of TCBYML)

writer: Stefan Bonestroo / ISRC: NL-C8O-19-00078

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